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Hair + Beauty

How To Determine Your Redhead Skin Type — And Why It Matters

Figure out your skin type right now

sensitive skin

“Redheads have sensitive skin” might be a phrase you’ve heard or read a lot, but it can also be confusing to have your skin type assigned because of your hair color. Knowing your skin type is crucial because it helps you choose the right skincare products and routines. Different skin types have different needs and react differently to various products. Understanding your skin type allows you to tailor your skincare regimen to address specific concerns like oiliness, dryness, sensitivity, or combination skin. It also helps prevent issues like breakouts, irritation, or premature aging.

Most redheads do have more sensitive skin, but some can also have oily skin or dry skin. So how does one know what their skin type is? You can go to a dermatologist to find out all about your skin and its needs, but we know that you might want to know now. So, here are a few ways to figure out your skin type:

Quick ways to find out your skin type right now:

The quickest way for redheads to determine their skin type is by observing how their skin reacts to various conditions and products. Factors to consider include how oily or dry their skin feels, how it reacts to the sun, and any sensitivity to certain skincare ingredients.

To determine your skin type, cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser, pat it dry, and wait for an hour without applying any products. Then observe how your skin feels:

– Normal skin: Feels comfortable, neither too oily nor too dry.
– Oily skin: Feels greasy, especially in the T-zone.
– Dry skin: Feels tight, rough, or flaky.
– Combination skin: Oily in the T-zone and normal or dry in other areas.
– Sensitive skin: May experience redness, itching, or burning sensations.

Signs you have sensitive skin:

If you deal with a lot of redness, irritation, or inflammation in your skin, it might be sensitive. Those with sensitive skin often have reactions to things like fragrances and alcohol in their skincare and even in other products like laundry detergent, deodorant, and perfume. 

Sensitive skin is often referred to as reactive skin. Reactions may come in the form of itchiness, dryness, redness, or bumps. Your skin may also react to hot or cold weather, turning red and becoming slightly irritated. Those with sensitive skin can also be prone to breakouts but don’t confuse this with acne, which can happen to any skin type. 

Signs you have oily skin: 

If your face gets oily, shiny, or greasy quickly, you probably have oily skin. You may experience oiliness primarily around your T-zone or across your entire face. People with oily skin are often prone to breakouts, blemishes, and acne. If you have oily skin, your makeup may separate or wear off easily and your skin will feel oily or slick to the touch. 

Oily skin can sometimes be confused with combination skin, which is when your skin is both oily and normal/dry depending on the area. If you are someone with an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) but your cheeks are more dry or normal, this is combination skin

Signs you have dry skin: 

If you deal with flakiness, tightness, itchiness, and patchy skin texture, you probably have dry skin. Your skin will look and feel dry to the touch. Your makeup may wear unevenly, and your skin can even have a scaly appearance. You may have rougher skin texture, and find that lightweight lotions do nothing for your skin.

Dry skin can be caused by medications, skincare, and atmosphere so while you may be prone to dry skin, the dryness may be coming from elsewhere. Those with dry skin often also have sensitive skin. 

Signs you have combination skin:

Combination of oily and dry areas, with oiliness in the T-zone and dryness elsewhere.

Now that you know more about your skin type, you can be on the lookout for products that fit your needs. Knowing your skin type can help you to customize your skincare routine, and help your skin be happier and healthier. If you’re still unsure about your skin or are experiencing skin issues, please visit your dermatologist. You can consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional for a more accurate assessment, especially if you have specific concerns or conditions.

Rock it like a Redhead! 


READ: What Causes Sensitive Skin and How Redheads Can Care for It

READ: A Redhead’s Complete Guide to Skinification
