You’re unique, your products should be too

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4 Words Describing Freckles You’ve Never Heard Before

A freckle by any other name… Sun kisses, angel...
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WATCH: The Best Redhead Eyebrow Video Tutorials

Updated: November 2nd, 2023 “My redhead eyebrows are...
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6 Ways Redheads Can Halt Postpartum Hair Loss

By: Rosemary O. Fernandez August is National Hair Loss...
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4 Winning Beauty/Fashion Lessons from Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain rocks. Period. She’s talented,...
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10 Redhead Friendly Lipsticks to Rock This Summer

Updated: 2023 Today is National Lipstick Day and...
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Being a Redhead Couple – Why is Everyone Staring at us?

By: Samantha Priestley When I first met my partner just...
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#H2BARBook Tour Heads Out West

The How to be a Redhead book was released on April 12, 2016...
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20 Beauty Hacks Every Redhead Should Know

Blondes and brunettes can google search just about anything...
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How to Get Beautiful No-Heat Redhead Curls Overnight

If there is one secret to long, thick hair it is this: stop...
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Alyssa Showalter

#LoveisLove: A Message To Keep Loving Each Other

By: Alyssa Showalter It is from the tragedy in Orlando that...
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5 ‘Redhead Friendly’ Products for Hot Summer Days

By: Co-Founder, Stephanie Vendetti  The summer season is...
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Update: Many Sunscreens Aren’t Doing What They Say

With summer approaching, it’s essential for us...
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