You’re unique, your products should be too

Beauty Box

Review of the November H2BAR Box

By: Sassy Auburn I have been awaiting my November H2BAR...
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How Red Hair Became My Trademark

It’s National “Love Your Red Hair” day!...
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Review of September’s H2BAR Box

By: Sassy Auburn On the day How to be a Redhead announces a...
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5 Things a Redhead Should Always Have In Her Purse

For some redheads, a purse is just a place to carry a...
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A Full Book Review of “How to be a Redhead”

By: Sassy Auburn Anyone who knows me could tell you that I...
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Featured Post

7 Products To Replace Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder

By: Sassy Auburn We are sad to report that Johnson &...
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6 Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gifts for Redheads

Happy Almost Valentine’s Redhead Day! It’s...
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A Redhead’s Guide To Making Your Own Skin Care Products

By: Sassy Auburn Recently, I wrote about how microbeads are...
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Sassy Auburn

Hello 2016. Buh-Bye Microbeads.

By: Sassy Auburn  It is a common occurrence for us fair...
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Sassy Auburn

Last Minute Gift Ideas For Redheads

Updated: September 12th, 2023 By: Sassy Auburn Crunch time...
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I’m a redhead & I’ll own it ALL day

By: Sassy Auburn Attention redheads! In honor of National...
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Sassy Auburn

Winter Troubles: How to Heal Intense Dry Skin

Recently, my sensitive skin matched the winter season...
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