You’re unique, your products should be too


Photos of redheads that challenge the way we see race

The stereotype is: fair skin, freckles and blue eyes. But, it's not always the case..

By: Kali Hanson

It’s National Love Your Red Hair Day!

I think that it’s high time that the redhead community acknowledge a group that has just as much of a right to be in our community as the rest of us: redheads of different nationalities.

Whenever someone thinks of redheads, the default thought is: someone with fair skin. But, there are many redheads in the world who don’t fit this description.

There have been a few times where our community has brought attention to this group, but after one or two articles and some Facebook shares, it tends to get pushed to the back of our minds along with many other issues. On such days as National Love Your Red Hair Day, let’s recognize the beautiful redheads of the world who do not fit the typical mold. It’s always great to be different.

So while we remind ourselves and each other about what makes redheads so great (because we absolutely are), we should also remember to include our redhead friends of all ethnicities; because it will make our community stronger and more inclusive.

Read more: 9 Natural Redheads from Different Backgrounds and Ethnicities 

..and take a look below at some gorgeous redheads:

Rock it like a Redhead and Happy National Love Your Red Hair Day!

Photos by Michelle Marshall.
