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Natural Redhead Abigail Cowen Went Blonde for a Movie Role: Could You Do It?

This Redhead Couldn't Stay Away for Long

Abigail Cowen

Best known for her roles in Bloom in Fate: The Winx Saga and as Dorcas in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, actress Abigail Cowen is an up-and-coming star and a natural redhead. Did you know Cowen had to trade in her stunning red locks for the film Redeeming Love (released in January 2022)?

In the film, Cowen’s character, Angel, has trademark white blonde hair. Originally, Cowne intended to wear a wig over her natural red hair, but when the wig didn’t come in time drastic measures had to be taken.

Cowen says she was always advised not to dye her hair but the part called for it so there was no other option. She said coloring her hair helped her get into character and doesn’t regret it stating on a February 2020 Instagram post “YES I did sacrifice my red hair to the acting gods. May or may not have had a minor heart attack but it’s ok cause THE THINGS YOU DO FOR YOUR ART. Goodbye for now, my fellow gingers. We will reunite again very soon…”

Cowen kept her long blonde hair until filming wrapped and then went right back to red. In another Instagram post just 6 months later Cowen posted “I’M BACK THANK GOD” and thanked her stylist, Tracey Cunningham, who helped her get back to her red roots

You can enjoy her rocking her natural freckles, redhead lashes and overall good vibes daily on IG:

Rock it like a Redhead!


READ: Roundup of the 22 Most Famous Redheads of All Time

READ: Dyed Your Hair Blonde? Here’s How to Get Back to Your Red Roots
