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Her Story: The Experience of Being a Redhead

Natalia shares stories about her redhead life. Do you have the same tales?

By Guest Writer: Natalia Pérez Arango

Like most of you, I was born a natural redhead. It was not my decision. Having red hair is not something you choose. It is not something you can (truly) develop voluntarily. In my experience, you have to have been born a redhead to really understand what it means to BE a redhead.

I was born with very little to no hair and my family couldn’t verify what color my hair actually was. However, a secret was about to be discovered. A velvety light orange surface smoothly covered my head, like fuzz on a peach. A friend of the family realized the color of my hair was red and said to my mother, “This girl is going to be ginger!”

My mother got so excited. However, back then, being a redhead was a symbol of bad luck for superstitious people. My grandfather, in an attempt to comfort my mom, said, “Don´t worry, it will change as she gets older.” Fortunately, my mother did not need comfort as she was excited about having a redheaded daughter. And, my grandfather was wrong in his prediction: it didn’t change.

The reason why my grandfather made the comment is an ancient story. The superstition comes from the Roman times when most of their worst enemies were the red-haired warriors — the Celts & Irish.

However, nowadays being a redhead is seen as sophisticated. And sometimes, even useful. How many times have you been identified as “the red-haired one”? Although, I know it may not be easy to be different or stand out in the crowd. No matter what, always know red hair is remarkable.

Speaking of remarkable, let’s list some amazing facts about those with red hair:

1. We don´t have grey hair as we get old. Typically, we turn white.

2. Dying our hair is more difficult than any other color.

3. The combination of red hair and blue eyes is the rarest in the world.

4. If we need to have any type of surgery, we need more anesthesia.

5. We generate our own vitamin D.

READ MORE: 13 Interesting Facts About Redheads 

Let’s not forget that we must all be extremely careful with our pale skin while outdoors. And, I would bet us redheads are the best clients for the sunscreen industry. Just a guess!

The only thing I didn’t cover was: what are the actual facts about redhead personalities? Oh boy. That might be a whole other article.

Do you share the same redhead story as me? Comment below.

Until then, Rock it like a Redhead! 

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