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Fast Food Chain Gives Free Meals Out To Redheads

Sadly, it didn't take place in the States. But the UK really celebrated...

wendy's world redhead day

There is a new redhead “holiday” and it’s called World Redhead Day. It happens on May 26th and a particular fast-food restaurant made it a big deal. No surprise here — Wendy’s has an iconic redhead mascot and all United Kingdom locations offered free chicken nuggets to redheads (both natural + ‘by choice’) who order. 

At the Camden location in London, redheads were lined up to get their freebie. Some people even donned red wigs to get their free nuggets. Business Insider shared the story of two Wendy’s superfans taking it an extra step. Natalie McMillan and Chris Watts underwent redhead makeovers at a local London salon, where McMillan dyed her hair and Watts (who is bald) dyed his beard the signature “Wendy’s Red”. This drastic makeover won each of them not only free nuggets but a year’s supply of chicken nuggets! 

world redhead day

The redhead celebration didn’t stop there! Wendy’s celebrated redheads until June 2nd. Unfortunately, US and Canadian locations haven’t adopted this celebration yet, but maybe next World Redhead Day or by National Redhead Day/National Love Your Red Hair Day on November 5th!

Rock it like a Redhead


READ: 6 Ways to Celebrate Love Your Red Hair Day

READ: How Celebrities Celebrated National Love Your Red Hair Day
