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5 ‘Redhead Friendly’ Beauty Rituals to Help Ring in the New Year

All these rituals are FREE!

Redheads, many of us have experienced some of the most challenging years of our lives. Here at How to be a Redhead, we are staying optimistic that 2022 will be smoother. The following are five simple ‘Redhead Friendly’ beauty rituals – free of charge, that will have you feeling your best to kick off the new year!

1.  Hydration

It all begins with water. Many doctors believe the root of several illnesses is a lack of proper H2O intake. During the dry, colder winter months, our skin requires more water than usual to stay hydrated. By drinking enough fluids each day and maintaining our usual skincare routine, we are ensuring all of our organs function optimally. Plus, your lustrous red hair will be even more gorgeous!

Tip: Try a motivational water bottle like this one from Fidus to measure your daily intake of water, reminding you to stay hydrated and drink enough water throughout the day.

2.  Meditation

Whatever meditation might look like for you, be it a few minutes spent quietly reflecting each day, practicing breathing exercises, listening to classical music or watching an ASMR video, its importance is key. Spending the time to quiet your mind and connect with yourself is extremely beneficial to your mental health. When we feel good, we look good.

Tip: Treat yourself to a meditation cushion or Tibetan singing bowl set to stay committed to your practice.

3.  Exercise

An expensive gym membership is not required to fulfill our exercising goals. Spend a few days per week taking a walk outside or try engaging in a free workout on YouTube – there is a class for every interest. Even for those of us who would rather stay on the couch than get moving, a little bit of effort goes a very long way.

Tip: Exercise while looking great with an affordable pair of leggings and tank top.

4.  Generosity

It may sound cliché but outer beauty truly stems from within. By donating our time and/or resources to someone else in need, we experience one of life’s most beautiful gifts. Find a charitable organization that is in line with your beliefs and start helping others. This could be as simple as donating clothing to a women’s charity or volunteering each week at a soup kitchen. Whatever your availability may be, there is always another person’s life we could enrich.

5.  Creativity

Creation is at the root of all things beautiful. Unfortunately, many of us get into a rut and stick to the same looks again and again. Get creative! Ideas: craft an organic lib scrub from ingredients inside your kitchen cabinet, try out a new hairstyling technique or enhance a makeup look with products already in your stash. Opening yourself up to new beauty practices is a wonderful way to begin the new year in style.

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Is there a beauty ritual that you suggest to fellow redheads or one that you’re excited to try for the first time? Let us know in the comments below and have a Happy New Year!

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