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AnnaJo Terrill

14 Things You May Not Know About Your Favorite Redhead Actresses

Here's just a little trivia to test your knowledge on some of the redheads we all adore:

We follow them on Instagram, we see them rock the red carpet at the awards show, and we cry tears of laughter or sorrow while watching them in those classic movies we love, but how much do we really know about our favorite redheaded actresses?  Here’s just a little trivia to test your knowledge on some of the redheads we all adore.

Did you know…

Julianne Moore was bullied throughout her childhood for having red hair and freckles?  Her father was in the military, so she was constantly moving, changing schools, and becoming a new target for bullies.  She was mocked and called “Freckleface Strawberry,” which she says made her hate her hair and freckles by the age of seven.  Now, Moore has written a successful children’s book series called Freckleface Strawberry that teaches children to love themselves for who they are.

Did you know…

When Lucille Ball enrolled in a New York City drama school at the age of 15, she was asked to leave?  She says she was nervous and completely intimidated by the school’s star student–Bette Davis.  The school eventually wrote Ball’s mother a letter informing her that Lucy was wasting her time and theirs–she was just too shy to ever make it.  Can you believe it?  To quote Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, “BIG mistake!  Big!  Huge!”

And speaking of Ms. Roberts, did you know…

Julia Roberts was the first actress to earn $20 million for her role in a film (Erin Brockovich, 2000)?  After Brad Pitt and George Clooney found out she would be joining the cast of Ocean’s Eleven (2001), they sent Roberts a card that read, “We heard you get 20 per film,” and in it was a $20 bill.

Did you know…

Jessica Chastain was born Jessica Howard?  After being accepted to Julliard, however, she began going by her mother’s maiden name, Chastain, to avoid being confused with another rising redheaded actress–Bryce Dallas Howard.  These women have since worked together on set and become friends, but despite Chastain’s best efforts, they still get confused for one another!  Check out @chastainiac on Instagram to see some humorous posts about the mix-ups, including a Bryce Dallas Howard DubSmash, where she sings, “It’s time I put an end to the confusion… I am not Jessica Chastain!”

Did you know…

In order to convince her parents she was ready to move to Hollywood to start her career, Emma Stone pleaded her case through a PowerPoint presentation?  That’s right!  She created a PowerPoint presentation titled “Project Hollywood” set to Madonna’s song “Hollywood.”  Evidently, the presentation was a success because Stone moved to L.A. with her mother at the age of 15.

Did you know…

Nicole Kidman loved wearing the prosthetic nose she wore in The Hours so much that she would wear it sometimes in private?  In fact, while she and Tom Cruise were going through a divorce, she wore the nose to disguise herself from paparazzi.

Did you know…

Susan Sarandon caught pneumonia after shooting the pool scene in Rocky Horror Picture Show?  The doctor told her she should not keep working on the film; the low-budget facilities would only worsen her condition.  But, the crew brought her a space heater to sit with in-between scenes, which she says helped…until the day it burst into flames.

Did you know…

Maureen O’Hara was John Wayne’s favorite actress?  They worked on several movies together and were close friends.  In fact, when John Wayne was dying in the hospital, he watched on television as O’Hara brought her petition before Congress to give him a Congressional Gold Medal, and they voted unanimously to do so.

Did you know…

Connie Britton has an adopted son from Ethiopia named Yoby?  Well, he goes by Yoby; his real name is Eyob.  Britton adopted Yoby in 2011 and since then has become a UN Goodwill Ambassador, focusing her efforts on stamping out extreme poverty and empowering women.  Somehow Britton manages single-motherhood, her career, and various diplomatic endeavors all while maintaining a killer head of hair.  But, I guess this is no surprise since she revealed to us recently that the secret behind her beautiful red locks is nothing other than feminism itself.

Did you know…

Katharine Hepburn, who has won more Academy Awards than any other actress in history, did all of her own stunts?  She said she had to because her stunt woman never stood up straight enough!  This decision left her with a permanent eye infection after falling into a contaminated canal in Summertime.

Did you know…

Ellie Kemper attended John Burroughs School in St. Louis, Missouri, where John Hamm was her drama teacher?

Did you know…

Shirley MacLaine took ballet as a child, but usually had to dance the boy part because she was the tallest in her class?  She stuck with it though, and one night, before a performance of Cinderella, while dancing the part of the Fairy Godmother, she broke her ankle!  But in true “the-show-must-go-on” fashion, she tied the ribbon around her ankle tighter, and danced the full show!  She called an ambulance immediately afterward.

Did you know…

Amy Adam’s brother, Eddie Adams, works for the popular celebrity gossip network, TMZ?  This must be some sort of conflict of interest, or maybe even insider trading, I’m not sure.

Did you know…

Carol Burnett was once fired from the Warner (now Pacific) Theater on Hollywood Boulevard?  She was working as an usherette at the time the theater was showing Alfred Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train.  A couple arrived late to the theater, and she advised them that they should wait for the next show time because this movie was so good, they simply must watch it from beginning to end.  A manager overheard her and fired her on the spot.  Then, to add insult to injury, he ripped the epaulets off her usher uniform!  A little overdramatic, if you ask me.  Years later, though, when Burnett received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, she requested that her star be placed directly in front of the Pacific Theater.  So, looks like she got the last laugh.

We hope you learned something new about one of your favorite actresses today.  Now the next time one of these lovely ladies pops up on your television screen, you can impress all your friends with your extensive knowledge of redhead trivia.

Rock it like a Redhead!
