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Two More Colors To Rock This Redhead Season

Redhead Season is the ultimate time to embrace the season’s most resplendent hues. Earlier this month, we featured our top 5 favorite ‘redhead friendly’ colors to rock with your red hair.

We’re breaking down two more colors that’ll make your red hair shine even brighter – blue and yellow – in the form of our favorite fall apparel item: a sweater.

We love blue, but yellow, eh. Fellow redheads, don’t be afraid. This color can look amazing next to your skin tone and red locks.


When you think of yellow, don’t think of yellow BBQ mustard. Think German or Grey Poupon. These are the yellow’s you’ll want to look for while shopping. We typically don’t like to wear black when wearing a yellow based sweater or top. It reminds us of Halloween. Instead, opt for a denim bottom and navy green jacket. Gold accessories look amazing paired next to yellow. For those lips, turn to a subtle pink or coral color with a bold brow.

Form Fitting Sleeves: H&M Rib Knit Sweater

Wide Sleeves: Women’s Topshop Lattice Back Sweater


We love all shades of blue, but navy and cobalt blue are our two favorites this season. These two shades (especially navy blue) are great options if you’re a lover of wearing everything black. Both shades look amazing with a bright red lip – a great time to get your 4th of July spirit ringing in the fall.

Yellow + Blue Together: Women’s Halogen Asymmetrical Ruffle Sweater

Cobalt Blue: UNIQLO W’s Cashmere Sweater
