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Photographer Captures The Beauty of a Redhead Family

Arma Gray, a photographer based in Russia, specializes in fantasy & family themed work. She began shooting redhead children and recently put together a redhead woman with children to shoot a “redhead family photo” — even though no one is actually related. Perhaps because there is a redhead myth that people with red hair look alike…?

The photo of the “redhead family” has gone viral with thousands of shares on Instagram and Facebook.

She commented about what people have been saying about the photos, “I noticed two facts, 99% thought it was a mother with daughters and even found outward resemblances and there were people who believed that it was not possible for children to wear such long hair.”

Regardless of the models actually being related, it’s hard not to recognize how beautiful an actual redhead family is! Stunning.

Take a look at her beautiful work below via her Instagram:

READ: Photographer Launches “Red Matters” Project and You Have To See These Photos

READ: Pictures of Redhead Baby Triplets Goes Viral 

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