My journey to loving my freckles started with a laser hair removal appointment.
I was a junior in college and decided to explore laser hair removal. After tweezing for years, I was feeling “over it” and willing to invest in not having to pick up tweezers ever again. Unfortunately, when I went to my consultation, they told me, “The laser doesn’t work with red hair but we can certainly help remove your freckles.”
I thought to myself, “What! Remove my freckles?!”
This was far from my original goal of retiring the tweezers.
The technician told me she could get rid of my freckles and said it with such excitement in her voice. You would have thought she was offering me chocolates by the delight in her demeanor. But unlike chocolate, this offer just made me sad. My freckles were part of who I was and the face I’d come to know (and love) after so many years. There was no way I’d pay to remove them.
I wouldn’t even remove them if someone paid me.
I love my freckles and here are a few reasons you should love yours too:
1. They are part of what makes you, you
This was my main reason for hastily leaving my laser hair consultation appointment. Freckles truly make up who I am and they are part of the face my family, friends, and myself all know to be me.
2. They help camouflage blemishes!
One of my favorite things about my freckles is that thanks to them, pesky zits don’t get a full-on spotlight on my face.
3. They are proof you have enjoyed some sunshine
Freckles are formed from UV rays. They are my physical proof of my personal love for the beach.
4. There is enough of a demand for freckles that people get them tattooed on and Instagram even has a freckles filter!
According to THIS article, the process of getting freckles tattooed to the face is quite painful and can cost up to $200.00 per session semi-permanent results. Yikes!
5. They are unique
Not everyone has freckles, hence the demand for creating them. They are a feature that can truly set you apart.
Here are three facial products I like to use to help protect my freckles without hiding them:

Merle Norman Lasting Foundation (I use Ivory)
I hope you embrace your freckles too, and should anyone kindly offer to remove them, I hope you decline as quickly as I did. Because let’s be honest, freckle removal is not the same as chocolate.
Rock it like a Redhead!
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