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Commercial Uses Redhead Storyline To Urge Society To Spend Time Outdoors

We all love our smart phones. But, there is something special about spending times outdoors ( — redheads, make sure to turn to your favorite sunscreen this summer). For this very reason, the Ad Council worked with the U.S. Forest Service and Burrell Communications to launch the Discover the Forest campaign, which raises awareness about the benefits of exploring the outdoors, and encourages families to experience nature first-hand.

When creating the ad, Ad Council wanted to create an add  that would urge families to see the fun is being outdoors together. The storyline is two deers talking to each other and have a “starring contest” with two humans. One of the humans, a young girl, is a redhead. The deer say to each other, “Look! A redhead!” The little girl stares back at the deer in amazement. The dad sees how excited his daughter is and the purpose is to drive parents to bring their kids outdoors.

It’s a proven fact that kids enjoy the time they spend outside. In fact, 88 percent of kids say they like being in nature and 79 percent wish they could spend more time there.

And that’s good news. When kids spend time outdoors, they get the chance to explore, use their imaginations, discover wildlife, and engage in unstructured and adventurous play. Additionally, studies show they have lower stress levels, become fitter and leaner, develop stronger immune systems and are more likely to become environmentally conscious in the future.

Unfortunately, population shifts to urban and suburban environments, an increase in scheduled activities, and a lack of awareness of–or access to–nature keep kids and families from enjoying these benefits.

Viewers are directed to,where they can search for nearby areas to explore and pick up quick tips on enjoying their time outdoors. ..And, let’s admit it. Who isn’t happy to know that even in the wild, redheads are perceived as eye-catching.

Watch the ‘redhead friendly’ commercial here:

READ: Experiment Proves Society Misunderstands a Redhead’s Beauty

Rock it like a Redhead! 
