You’re unique, your products should be too

Heather Lieber

Night Creams for Sensitive Skin

By: Heather Lieber 

One thing all redheads know, no matter what age we are, is how damaging exposure to the sun can be to our fair skin. We cover up our freckle-kissed skin at the beach, and hide under umbrellas and hats large enough to evoke envy at the Kentucky Derby. There’s no SPF high enough to adorn every inch of our skin, and that includes our faces. Look into any redhead’s makeup bag, and you’ll find sunblock built right into their makeup and moisturizer. There is a lot we’ll do to protect and enhance our skin, but our daytime regime might be hindering our nighttime beauty sleep.

Our skin needs moisture, and many of us include moisturizing before bed to keep our face and body from drying out while we sleep. Take a look at what products you’re using before bed. If you’re using the same skin care items as during the day, you might be denying your skin some much-needed moisture.

I consulted a dermatologist about some little known do’s and don’ts for redheads. Every doctor will tell you how important sunblock is; did you know most beauty products containing a high SPF will not be as moisturizing as products with lower to no SPF? This is why our nighttime routine should include products that say “PM” or “night” on the packaging because there will be no added sunblock, just plenty of moisturizing ingredients.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to run out and get all new products. We already know 5 ‘redhead friendly’ nighttime treatments, but here are 2 more I love equally as much:

Rock it like a Redhead!




Image Credit: Pinterest
