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Lindsay Lohan: From Smoking Hot Redhead to Burn Out

Lindsay Lohan, the redheaded child actress, began acting in feature films at the age of 10. As redheads growing up, we adored her in The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday and Mean Girls. 

She was the redhead poster child for our generation!

It seemed as though Lindsay had her whole life in front of her and we were convinced this beautiful redhead would have her rise to superstardom.

But, somewhere down the line, she drifted towards substance abuse and messed up her career.

Fives years ago, she told In Style Magazine about her ten year plan, saying:

“I want to get married before I’m 30. And have my house. And make the kind of record I want. And I’d like to win an Oscar before then.”

The media is claiming she is so far down the wrong path that she will never achieve a successful record, nevermind an Oscar.

We believe her career went down the drain when she lost her redhead identity. If she wants her star power back, she should go back to red.

Redheads, it’s easy to say we disown her, but let’s put this in perspective and let’s encourage LiLo to find her red roots and get her celebrity BACK! We need to stick together.

Do YOU think Lindsay should go back RED?

