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4 Things To Know Before Cutting Your Red Hair Short

+ great tips if you already rock short hair

Redheads come in all shapes and sizes and have different haircuts too. So many beauty professionals concentrate on long hair and we at How to be a Redhead never want the short-haired ladies to feel left out. We spoke with Stella {aka Megan Paxton} from Arrojo Studio in NYC about the best advice if you’re thinking of cutting your red hair short, or if it is short already.

1. Think about maintenance

“Before going short think of your routine,” says Stella. “It’s great for washing and people who don’t spend much time on their hair. Before taking the short hair plunge, think of your budget for maintenance. Short hair needs to be cut much more frequently than long hair. You should plan on visiting your stylist at least every 6 weeks instead of 3-4 times a year. And finally, think of the grow-out period. It is going to take some time to grow out and you go through a very awkward stage. So make sure it’s a style you want to rock for a while.”

2. Use the right products

Short hair requires the right products because unlike long hair, you cannot throw it up in a bun or pony if you’re having a bad hair day.

Stella recommends using a dry conditioner on your short red locks. “Spray it in your hair dry as a finishing product. It makes my hair velvety soft. I wash my hair as little as possible, and especially enjoy using it on days 2 and 3 as a refresher.”

3. Don’t forget the scalp

If you have sensitive skin, which most of us redheads do, now that you have short hair, you have to remember to take extra care of the scalp. Stella’s personal favorite brand is Phyto (also featured in the “How to be a Redhead” book!). They have a sun care line, one for curly hair, textured hair and everything in between. They have a nifty tool to magnify your scalp 250 times taking pictures of the areas. They can tell you what your problems are on your scalp and ways to treat and address them.” And, for the short-haired ladies, this makes sure you don’t have any hair gaps in the back of your head.

And, don’t forget to use an SPF hair product so the scalp doesn’t get burnt.

4. Know the trends + your shape face

When you have short hair, it’s important to know the trends so your look is modern and in-style.

“The razor bob is good for most hair types, but razor bobs really complement oval and heart face shape; really shape face except round and long faces,” says Stella. “With opening the blade, it allows internal graduation and gives soft movement. It’s all about creating texture right now.”


“This versatile haircut was made the scissor. The top is disconnected from the sides. She can play with it on either side, pull it up or pin it back. It is great for those with an oval-shaped face.”




Bonus for men!

“The man (pictured below) has a Short Square Scissor Over Comb. His hair is incredibly coarse. My ‘gingerly advice’ is to find the right hair product to call your BFF. If your hair is finer, you can use lightweight holding products and if your hair is thicker you want to use a cream with more hold or even a pomade. If you have curly hair you definitely need to use conditioner and other moisturizing products to tame your frizz.”


Want more tips from Nick Arrojo himself about haircuts and which is best for your shape face? Turn not page 110 of the “How to be a Redhead” book

Main photo via Pinterest
