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Hair + Beauty

Podcast S5 EP16: How Redheads Can Destress and Decompress with Denise LaPalm

H2BAR Box subscribers received this calming essential oil blend.

Life is stressful, and sometimes we all need a reminder to slow down and work on lowering our stress levels. That’s why this episode is all about destressing and decompressing

Denise LaPalm is the founder and creator of L’Beauxtique, a line aimed to leverage aromatherapy’s therapeutic essence to aid women in managing their emotional well-being. She wears many hats: a working mother, a wife, a certified professional aromatherapist, and an advocate for women managing life’s emotional rollercoaster.

If you’re a Summer Deluxe H2BAR Box subscriber, you are probably enjoying the full-size version of the L’Beauxtique Evening Body Serum. It’s a fast-absorbing body oil infused with a calming essential oil blend to help alleviate anxiety, uplift mood, and restore balance after long demanding days.

LaPalm’s journey through the corporate world made her acutely aware of the impact of stress, leading to physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion. This pivotal moment inspired a transformative shift in her perspective of stress, leading to the creation of L’Beauxtique. LaPalm wants to encourage women to redefine their relationship with stress and embrace their inherent strength.

Adrienne + Stephanie ask LaPalm why she created the L’Beauxtique Evening Body Serum and why redheads are enjoying it in their H2BAR Boxes. She also gives us tips on how to wind down and de-stress.

You can hear Stephanie, Adrienne, and Denise on the latest episode of the How to be a Redhead Podcast available directly below, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts:

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Rock it like a Redhead!


READ: 5 Ways Redheads Can Decompress From Stress

READ: 11 tips to keep you from stressing over distressed hair
