Paulina loves her red hair because it’s unique. Growing up, girls around her were doing so many things to stand out, but she never had to. “Being a redhead is a very important part of who I am,” she says. “And I also really like to mess with people and tell them I am a real witch!” It also helps that her hair makes Halloween a lot easier, as she can transform into a lion or Princess Merida in minutes.
Paulina continues, “The only thing that scares me is the amount of negativity towards redheads on the internet. Luckily, I never faced it in real life but the thought of a little redhead hating her hair color because people are mean is just terrible.” She believes red hair is one of the most beautiful features mother nature could have ever given a person, and she’s go glad How to be a Redhead is helping redheads around the globe embrace their redhead potential!