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Redhead of the Week

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    Meet Keesler

    Keesler (bottom left) wants to use her Redhead of the Week spotlight to raise awareness for melanoma. As a teenager, she always hated her pale skin and thought that she looked sickly without a tan. Because of this, she would tan all year round, indoors and outdoors, and would feel proud that she was one of the few redheads that could actually hold a tan. (She attributes this to her brown eyes.) At the age of 22, she was diagnosed with stage 2 melanoma, and despite stopping her tanning sessions, she was diagnosed with melanoma again last year at the age of 28.

    “Since my diagnoses, I have embraced my paleness and have tried to spread the word to others that being pale is beautiful,” says Keesler.

    READ: Melanoma Awareness Month, What to Expect When You’re Getting a Skin-Cancer Screening
