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Alyssa Showalter

Felicia Day: Why She’s The Most Relatable Redhead Celebrity On The Planet

She is the real deal.

By: Alyssa Showalter

Let me start off by saying I love all the lists and articles talking about redhead celebrities that are taking over the world. Love Jessica Chastain, Julianne Moore, Isla Fisher, Amy Adams and Debra Messing. I love when people says redheads are “taking over the world” because it comes off really empowering and gives us the possibility to have world redhead domination. No? Then it’s just me.

However, I can’t help but notice there is one redhead that gets left out of the list, and she really deserves some attention.

I’m talking about Felicia Day, of course!

The natural redhead was born in Alabama and has had quiet the inspirational life. We all know her as Charlie from Supernatural, but she has actually a lot of notches on her belt. Home schooled and majoring in both mathematics and music. She has been performing in local theater productions since she was very young, and was accepted by one of the most prestigious performing arts school in the country. However, she is not all perfect and she owns up to that. She owns it and makes fun of it.

She created the YouTube series “Geek & Sundry” which is very popular among game lovers and geeks alike. She also wrote You’re Never Weird on the Internet(Almost) which has hit top charts in books sales across the country.

This woman is just amazing. She is my role model and the very fact that she’s redheaded may seem trivial comparing to her accomplishments, and I only mentioned a quarter of what she has really done.

She is the real deal.

Felicia Day loves her red hair. She never changes it, unless for a film or TV show, and even then it is most likely red. She is empowering young women because she’s a great example that you can be anything and use your “weird” quarks to do anything. Her personality is easy going and fun loving, especially amongst her fans. She doesn’t let others use what she loves against her; it only makes her stronger.

She is not the type cast “redhead” in most projects, which I have to say started getting to me. The idea that redheads are fiery sex symbols slightly annoys me because that isn’t me. I’m more like Felicia Day. I’m more the redheaded geek that’s really weird. Which is not really the stereotype that redheads have.

If I was going to nominate the ideal redhead role model for young people of today, it would be Felicia Day. She is smart, talented, creative, funny, and best of all, a redhead.

Rock it like a Redhead!

