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Dark Spots Can Get Worse During The Winter Months: How Redheads Can Stop It

No, they're not freckles!

Hyperpigmentation, or those persistent dark spots, can be caused by the sun, acne scars, and spots from skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Dry weather, cold temperatures, and decreased humidity can cause dry patches on the skin leaving behind the dark spots. If you suffer from hyperpigmentation, you might have noticed it can get worse during the winter months. Here’s how to manage your hyperpigmentation when it’s cold out: 

Why do hyperpigmentation spots darken in the winter? 

As the weather gets cold and dry, the air starts to lose humidity. This means redhead skin gets drier and can become irritated. Irritation and itchiness are some of the main causes of hyperpigmentation flare-ups during the winter. 

What can you do to manage hyperpigmentation?

There are a number of things you can do to help your hyperpigmentation stay at bay during the winter. This includes: 

How do I know if it’s a freckle or hyperpigmentation? 

Freckles and sunspots can look very similar, but there are a few ways to tell them apart. Typically freckles will fade a bit if not exposed to the sun, but sunspots will remain the same color. The best way to tell if it’s a sunspot or a freckle is to look at the size. Sunspots are usually larger than your average freckle and occur mostly on the face, hands, shoulders, back, and arms. 

Now, let’s not confuse hyperpigmentation and freckles with age spots, that’s a whole different topic.

Read: What Redheads Need To Know About Age Spots: They’re Not Freckles

Rock it like a Redhead! 
