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6 Reasons Why Redheads Should Love Summer

Can you believe the redhead community is putting the words ‘love’ and ‘summer’ into the same sentence?

The relationship does exist. Say it to yourself: I love summertime. My red hair loves summertime.

Below are seven reasons why every redhead should love summer:

1. The weather: 

With the summer solstice comes sunny weather and clear, blue skies. You may get a sunburn (ouch!) during this time, but the best news of all is: red hair looks gorgeous when the sun is shining on it. Remember to wear a hair sunscreen to keep your hair from fading.

And, make sure to wear….

2. Sunscreen:

When you initially smell sunscreen, on the first beach day, doesn’t it bring back memories of summer fun? Let the sun-safe celebrations begin! Yes, you will undoubtedly hear, “Make sure to apply sunscreen, you’re so fair!” Don’t be stubborn and refuse to wear it; that is the worst (and most painful) mistake ever! Wear it daily, and when-in-doubt, reapply more.

3. Seeking shade: 

Use this technique to see how strong your friendships are. Every redhead knows the shade is a happy place. Instead of basking in the hot sun, ask your friends, “Can we find shade together? I’m burning.” If they’re good friends, they’ll say yes. If they say no…well, we will leave it up to you to decide.

READ: 7 Reasons Why Redheads Need Redhead BFF’s Too 

4. The attire: 

Summertime is all about tank tops, flip flops and sun dresses. Your hair will do the talking with simple, airy outfits.

5. Going bare: 

Now is a great time to let your freckles (if you have them) shine through. Opt to wear minimal makeup, if not none at all, with your favorite sunscreen. Rock those freckles!

READ: Our Co-Founder, Stephanie’s Story About How She Learned To Love Her Freckles 

6. Time off: 

Catch up on your favorite Netflix show, get lost in a novel (or two) or explore a theme park. Hey, check out Weeki Wachee Springs State Park‘s live mermaid show if you’re near Spring Hill, Florida.

There are plenty of reasons to love summer! Rock your hair, freckles, skin.. and sunscreen. Rock it like a Redhead! 
