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Redhead of the Week

Be the Redhead of the Week

It's your time to shine!

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    Meet Louise

    When Louise was younger, she hated her red hair because no one had the same color and she didn’t like feeling “different.” Not only is hair red, but she is covered in freckles from her face to her feet. She badly wanted blonde hair and tanned skin, like everyone else.
    But, in the last few years, she has learned to love and embrace her look. She discovered that when you are happy with who you are, others will think you are beautiful too. She now loves to wear clothes that will make her hair look more red, like the color green!
    She loves being a redhead because of the attention and stares she receives. Louise said, “And, if someone doesn’t like me because of my hair and skin, then he/she is not the kind of person I want to be friends with anyway. I am proud to be a redhead!”