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Hair + Beauty

How To Soothe Redness and Calm Flushed Redhead Skin

Don't let redness overshadow your beautiful skin

redhead covering rosacea

When you have ultra-sensitive skin that is low in melanin (like most redheads do), your skin tends to show redness, irritation, and inflammation more than others. Redness of the skin can be embarrassing and annoying. If your skin redness is from sunburn, exertion from exercise, or from general irritation, here are a few ways to reduce that redness:  

1. Take a cool bath or shower

When we get hot from weather, exercise, or other forms of excursion, it’s common for our skin to get flushed and red. This primarily occurs on the face and around the neck and chest. To cool the skin and provide some relief, try taking a cool bath or shower. It will bring your body temperature back down to normal and allow your skin to lose its flush. 

2. Apply a cooling moisturizer 

If your skin is red from sunburn or general heat, you can provide yourself with some relief by applying a cool or chilled moisturizer. Creams and gels with aloe vera in them can help to soothe the skin. 

‘Redhead Friendly’ recommendation: Cetaphil Soothing Gel-cream with Aloe

3. Stay hydrated 

Redness and red patches on the face can occur from dehydration. Make sure to drinks lots of water to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. Hydration also helps with redness from sunburns. 



4. Stop exfoliating 

If you notice redness in your skin, skip the exfoliating. The redness may be a sign your skin is over-exfoliated or irritated. Giving your skin some time to breathe while moisturizing will allow it to bounce back and recover. 

5. Cover up

The most common cause of redness of the skin among redheads is sunburn. Our fair skin burns more easily than those with more melanin in their skin. That means it’s important to cover up, use sunscreen and limit your time in direct sunlight. Last but not least, invest in UPF clothing to prevent irritations and sunburns. 

If you have persistent redness of the skin, bumps, or dry patches, please consult your dermatologist for the best way to proceed in reducing redness.

Rock it like a Redhead! 

Subscribe to the H2BAR Box: A monthly and quarterly beauty subscription box for redheads! Use code: REDHAIR for 10% off. Subscribe now! 

