You’re unique, your products should be too

Confident Lifestyle


By: Natasha Holler 

If you’re like most ravishing redheads, you usually spend your days running from one thing to the next, forgetting to just sit back and breathe. September is National Yoga Month, so now is the time to focus on yourself – and  your “om”.

Whether you’re already a self-proclaimed yogi or you wouldn’t know the difference between a Sun Salutation and a Side Plank, this month is the perfect time to break out your yoga mat and bring some harmony to your red life. National Yoga Month was established as a campaign to inspire a healthy lifestyle and to educate more people about the benefits of yoga and has only gotten bigger since its inception. The Yoga Health Foundation sponsors a number of events nationally, and many local studios offer free classes during this month, so make sure you research studios in your area, and you’re ready to embark on your journey to a happier and healthier red life with yoga.

If the only images that Cat – Cow and Crow invoke in your mind are of animals, you’ll want to start with the basics – why should a redhead like you practice yoga? There are a myriad of benefits of any physical activity, but there are some extra special advantages to yoga:

1. You can practice poses nearly anywhere – you don’t need any special equipment or space to take some time to yourself. All you need is dedication, the proper execution of basic poses, and some comfortable clothing.

2. You’ll find that there are plenty of clothing brands, such as Lululemon and Athleta, dedicated to yoga-specific wear, but as long as you’ve found comfortable workout wear that is pliable or loose, you’ll be free to Cobra correctly.

3. Once you’ve been practicing yoga for some time, you’ll start to find inner peace and relief from the stresses of your hectic days. The advantages aren’t all spiritual and meditative, though – there are plenty of physical benefits as well. It may not seem like it, but asanas (yoga postures) are actually strength training. They’re designed to engage nearly every muscle in your body, so you’ll feel stronger in no time. Your flexibility will increase exponentially, which in turn will help you gain range of motion and relieve aches and pains.

4. Most of all, it’s a positive program that doesn’t focus on competition or “fixing what’s wrong”. You can do yoga despite your skill level or age (or hair color), but just remember that, as with any undertaking, it will take you some time to get to where you’d like to be. Don’t get discouraged! Many people say that yoga has helped them achieve a more meaningful life, so be sure you stick with it and soon you’ll be Lotus-ing with the best.



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