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5 ‘Redhead Friendly’ Colors All Redheads Should Embrace This Fall

The summer months are fading away, and Redhead Season is almost upon us. The imminent change in season means a shift in your wardrobe.Sandals are replaced with ankle-high booties and cozy, chunky sweaters are brought back out to play. And, lucky you, Redhead Season is the ultimate time to embrace the season’s most resplendent hues.

READ: The Colors You Should Be Wearing 

Here are 5 favorite, must-wear colors to rock this season with your red hair:

1. Maroon: 

This is a great color if you love purple and red. You’ll contrast the fall leaves beautifully. Opt for a subtle lip color and dark eyeliner.

Mango Knit Sweater

C.C Thick Cable Knit Faux Fuzzy Fur Pom Fleece Lined Skull Cap Cuff Beanie

2. Red:

Afraid to wear red with your red hair? We’re here to tell you to step out of our comfort zone (why not?!) and try rockin’ a rich red or rust red dress, jacket or sweater with a pop of color on your lips. You’ll be turning heads all day long.

H&M Wrap Dress with Ties

H&M Off-The-Shoulder Sweater

3. Orange:

Mustard, rust and burnt orange are three of our favorite ‘redhead friendly’ colors in the orange family. They look good with every shade of red – from strawberry blonde to deep red.


Free People Softly Structured Knit Tunic

Heartloom Hazel Turtleneck Sweater

4. Deep Purple:

Purple has always been known as super ‘redhead friendly’ color. This fall season, opt for a deep purple hue in your sweaters, hats and scarves.

5. Green:

Think the opposite of St. Patrick’s Day green. A dark green will make your red hair, eyes and freckles stand out amongst the crowd.

Army green: Madewell Lemon Ribbed Wool Sweater

Dark Green: Soft Wool Blend Turtleneck Sweater

Forest green: Express Cross Front Large Button-Cuff Blouse

Rock it like a Redhead! 
